This project aims to make a planar serial manipulator, with 3-DOF, that can trace various shapes.
Working Principle:
The shape tracing mainly based on concept like Forward kinematics, Inverse Kinematics and Trajectory generation.
- Forward Kinematics: – It is used to know the position of the end effector when we know the joint angles and is calculated using D-H parameters. To calculate forward kinematics, we used Denavit-Hartenberg parameters.
- Found D-H parameters.
- Using SymPy (Symbolic python) created a generalised homogeneous matrix and then substituted DH parameters to obtain the transformation from frame 3 to frame 0.
- Obtained the equations of x and y in terms of joint angles and other parameters which will be further used for inverse kinematics.
- Inverse Kinematics: – It is about calculating the angles of joints that will cause the end effector of the arm to reach some desired position in 3D space. To do that, we approximated the angles using the Newton-Raphson method.
- Used the two equations obtained from Forward kinematics and the third equation regarding the orientation of the end effector.
- Initial guesses were made for theta1, theta2, and theta3.
- Using appropriate first guess and the Newton-Raphson equation, the function value matrix and Jacobian matrix were obtained and hence obtaining joint angle values for a specific coordinate.
- Trajectory Generation: – Generating a trajectory is a crucial step in drawing shapes and it means moving from point A to B avoiding collisions over time. This can be computed in both discrete and continuous methods. Generating a trajectory is a crucial step in drawing shapes. The desired trajectory is defined by some parameters, usually
- Initial and final point (point-to-point control).
- A finite sequence of points along the path
Arduino IDE

Hardware Components:

Arduino UNO

MG996 Servo Motor