We have developed a bot which will alert the user of a intruder if the latter is detected . At any given time you can access the Live Feed recorded by the camera of the bot.
Major Components Used
1. Raspberry PI Zero W
2. Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04)
3. PIR Sensor( HC-SR501)
4. Camera Module
5. BO Motors x2
6. Motor Driver Module (L298N)
7. LIPO Batteries x2 (450 mAh, 3.7V)
8. Power Bank

Working In Brief
- The bot is to be left on auto mode. The bot will start patrolling the given area by going in random directions. Obstacle collision will be prevented by the Ultrasound sensor.
- Note that the wifi to which the bot is connected should be switched on at all times.
- The bot will send a picture of an intruder if detected. the time at which the picture was clicked will be saved on the watchdog application.
- The bot can be driven manually by choosing the same in the navigation drawer of the application. the live feed can be accessed in the same way. The instructions are communicated to the bot via Firebase.
- You can disable the bot using the toggle button on the application.
Application Details and Code
- The application was developed using Android Studio. The Home Screen contains logs. This is where the images of the intruder along with the date and time are displayed.
- The Navigation Drawer contains two buttons: Drive Manually and Live Feed.
- There is a toggle button on the Home Screen to switch on and off the bot.
- To view the code regarding the application click here.
- To view the code regarding the working of the bot click here.
Block Diagram

3D Model

Video Demonstration
Our Team
- Aayush Fadia
- Abhishek Yadav
- Raj Ghughre
- Aditya Shirwatkar
- Kushagra Srivastava
- Simran
- Mayuresh Bhoyar
- Mayuresh Sarode