A Spherical Robot
BB-8 is a spherical shaped robot with a robotic head that always stays in a stable position at top of the moving sphere. Main aim of the project is to stabilize and balance the system. It also includes to stabilize the head of bot during its motion so that it always remains at the top of the sphere.

1. Arduino Nano :
Small and compact micro controller to control the bot. Owing to its small size it can easily be fitted inside internal circuit which is to be placed inside the spherical shell which forms body of BB8.

2. HC05 Bluetooth Module:
HC05 bluetooth module helps to establish communication between BB8 and smartphone android app which is used to control bot. HC05 receives commands sent by android app to arduino.

3. Buck Boost Converter:
Buck Boost converter Module steps up DC voltage to 7.8 V provided by Li-ON Battery to 12V required for efficient motion of BO Motors.

4. L298n Motor Driver :
L298n motor driver supplies necessary current for running BO motors which arduino cannot provide. It also controls speed and direction of BO motors according to the commands sent to arduino by android device.

5. BO Motors :
60 rpm BO motors used to provide required torque to the sphere for its locomotion.

6. 7.4 V Rechargable Li-oN Battery:
7.4 V battery used to supply power to arduino and L298n motor driver for running motors.



- Hrishikesh Ugale
- Parag More
- Shubham Chauhan
- Rajat Chechani
- Saurav
- Yogesh Phalak
- Rajeshree Deotalu