In our project, we’ve employed Turtlebot for autonomous indoor navigation which involves using marker-based localization, like ArUco. These markers act as crucial reference points for the robot’s autonomous movement within unfamiliar indoor spaces. This approach is cost-effective, simply requiring the deployment of marker patterns and protective measures. For the completion of this project, we also made use of ROS, OpenCV, and Gazebo simulation, enabling us to navigate, control, and process data for various robotic applications, which could include warehouse management

- Turtlesim
We performed simple tasks on Turtlesim node to get practical knowledge about ROS. How to write code in ROS, implement different publisher and subscriber nodes.

- SLAM – Hector and G-mapping
Hector SLAM and Gmapping are both algorithms used for mapping and localization in robotics. Hector SLAM is a laser-based algorithm that can only afford indoor use, as the map created is small, while Gmapping can be used both indoors and outdoors. Hector SLAM is more efficient than Gmapping in terms of map drawing, but it has a limit on the size of the map it can create. On the other hand, Gmapping has no such limit and is more versatile than Hector SLAM

- Camera Calibration
The process of estimating the parameters of a camera is called camera calibration. This includes recovering two kinds of parameters
- Internal parameters of the camera/lens system. E.g. focal length, optical center, and radial distortion coefficients of the lens
- External parameters: This refers to the orientation (rotation and translation) of the camera with respect to some world coordinate system We used a checkerboard for the calibration of the camera as its pattern is easy to detect in an image, also its corners have a sharp gradient in two directions, so it is easy to detect the corners.
- Aruco Detection and Pose Estimation
We used OpenCV’s aruco library for the detection and pose estimation of aruco markers.

- Gazebo Simulation
We used two nodes for navigation. The camera node detects the markers and publishes data about markers like their IDs and distance. Nav node subscribes data from the camera node and publishes velocity commands to turtlebot. We used turtlebot’s ‘waffle_pi’ model for simulation as it comes with a camera. To get camera information we created a subscriber in the camera node.
Working : Nav node publishes velocity commands so turtlebot moves in a square loop until it finds any marker. After finding the marker bot will do a task assigned to that ID. We assign a simple task to each ID. The bot should go towards markers up to a certain distance and then again start searching for another marker.

- Implementation on Hardware
Our Turtlebot model was “burger”, which requires ‘ros-melodic’. So we require docker to create a ros-melodic workspace. We also had to change our Cam node code such that it takes video input from a webcam instead of a subscriber.
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Python3
- ROS-Noetic
- Docker Image for ROS-Melodic
- OpenCV 4.8.x (Noetic)
- OpenCV 4.2.x (Melodic)
- Gazebo simulation package
- TurtleBot Burger Model [Kobuki]
- Webcam
- YdLidar

- Shantanu Renghe
- Gautam Ranka
- Akhilesh Navalkar
- Spruha Kshirsagar
- Shreyas kothawale
- Koyaneni Yaswanth