Maze Solver

 Maze Solver is an Autonomous Bot that can solve any maze with dead ends without confusing at intersection points.


Atmega8 Development Board:

We used Atmega 8 Board which also includes L293D motor driver circuitry. It takes data from the sensors and based on that data it takes action.

IR Sensors:

We used IR sensors to detect position of the line to be followed with respect to the robot’s position. They are based on the basic observation that “the white surface reflects the light and the black surface absorbs it

DC Motors:

Two DC motors of 150 RPM.


To power the microcontroller and motor.

Chassis with Wheels:

Chassis act as frame for the robot. The plastic wheels will be connected to the DC motors. As soon as they create the torque, these wheels will help the robot to move.

Castor Wheel:

​The castor wheel is used to make the movements easy and quick even it has large components on its top. In this process, a small stainless steel castor could be the best one to use.

Working Principle:

Microcontroller takes analog data from the sensor and then converts that data to digital using ADC converter. Based  on that data it drives the left and right motor. Speed of the motor is changed using Pulse Width Modulation.  

Line following seems to be accurate when carried out at lower speeds. As we start increasing the speed of the robot, it wobbles a lot and is often found getting off track. Therefore we applied PID controls to it. At the intersection points bot follow left hand rule and at the dead end it takes a U turn.


Software Packages

  • Atmel Studio 8
  • Robosapiens Bootloader


Team Members:

  • Pranay Pourkar
  • Himanshu Nete
  • Nikhil Bobate
  • Tushar Umredkar