TurtleBot is a low-cost, personal robot kit with open-source software. With TurtleBot, you’ll be able to build a robot that can drive around your house, see in 3D, and have enough horsepower to create exciting applications.
1 .Line Follower:
Developed an algorithm of weighted mean which sets priorities to the near region of turtlebot in captured image. A web cam is mounted on turtlebot to track the line and according to algorithm it is able to traverse any type of curves.
2.Navigaton using Parabolic Reflector
Integrated a parabolic mirror to a webcam giving it 360-degree vision. Then using opencv_bridge, image processing is carried out to detect a blue color object in the field of view of the mirror and follow it.
3 .Autonomous Navigation UsingNavigation Stack:
Navigation stack, a method to make autonomous robot navigation, is implemented on it. With this, it is able to navigate from one point to another within the map provided. G-Mapping is done using Kinect – a 3D depth sensor. Localization in an unknown environment is done using the particle filter method. It uses A* algorithm for path planning.
4 .AutoExMap- Autonomous Exploration and Simultaneous Real-time 3D Map Generation:
Implementation of customized Explore_Lite (Frontier-based exploration) and RTabmap packages to create a RGBD map of an unknown environment. A 2D cost-map was also obtained along with a 3D map. The ability to autonomously navigate an unknown region to create its depth map can be used for creating depth-map of floors.